The automatic divider, or volumetric weigher DAM has a strong stainless body. Many hopper models from 40 to 180Kg dough available. It can be equipped with a closed hopper ( this option can be applied from the start or added later).The closed hopper provides good weight regularity even for fermented doughs.This version is also suitable and recommended for hard doughs such as Northern Europe breads or Eastern Europe breads, toast breads, rye breads… For very big dough pieces, a double dough pieces system can be added.The standard out belt can be accessorised with pre-rounding and pre-elongation systems.The dough pieces pre-elongation system MF2S (Stress Free Moulding System) is an exclusivity patented by MERAND.It allows a fine dough pieces moulding which makes elongation easier. The divider SOFTY MERAND allows huge productivity gains by suppressing weighing and putting into trays operations. With an automatic proofing chamber, it is the first processing step of an automatic bread line.
The Two Arm Mixer by Tekno Stamap is the result of continuous research into the best technology available for both materials and components. Equipped with PED accident-prevention guards and made from thick stainless steel, this mixer is perfect for working with very hydrated and leavened pastry doughs.
Cleanbake cloth is guaranteed to be your next bakery essential. With pearling effect, this cloth is non-stick coated, cost-efficient, anti-microbial and bacteriostatic.
The Merand Volumetric Automatic Softy Divider has been specifically designed to careful handle your dough whilst perfectly dividing and weighing each piece for a variety of bread types.