Vanrooy are extremely excited to announce that we have been named the Salva Worldwide Dealer of the Year for consecutive years running. This acknowledgment is a fantastic achievement for Vanrooy and even more amazing to have back it up year after year.
“Considering Australia is only a very small consumer of the world’s bread and pastry sector, it is incredible to see that Vanrooy has managed to continue our world-class Salva sales support” David Van Rooy. David also stated that “Salva has been working with Vanrooy for 37 years and it has been amazing to see both companies grow together”
From your small, single owner/operated bakeries to the national scale of Woolworths supermarkets, Salva is helping to improve the quality and ease with which Vanrooy customers achieve their bakery and pastry goals. Head down to your local Woolworths Supermarket, walk over to the bakery facilities and observe the fantastic product being produced from their Salva equipment each and every day.
Maybe you choose to go visit your local patisserie. We have amazing patisseries all around Australia including Lune, Penny for Pound, Abbots and Kinney just to name a few. These guys all have Salva products at the forefront of the store design and aesthetics.
Why though?
They have all told us how amazing the Salva equipment is built and presented. The sleek black glass and touchscreen control panels give a futuristic look that exemplifies the aesthetic nature they wish to achieve in their shop layouts and designs. Not only do the machines look beautiful though, the customer interaction is much more exciting when they can see and smell the machines in operation right in front of their eyes.
This is the type of interaction, smell, taste and feel we brought to Fine Foods 2018 in Melbourne, where the Salva Iverpan achieved a very close second place in the Innovation awards. The awards covered every product from new innovative machinery to unseen food concepts. It was a great moment for Vanrooy and especially Salva to be a part of, with their hard work being recognised.
We would like to thank Salva for the support they have shown us over the years and for the fantastic innovation and forward thinking they continue to bring. Salva continues to explore and look far ahead into the future, not just at the immediate market.
We encourage all our customers to see the innovative Salva equipment in action at The Vanrooy Test Kitchen which is where you will also find our framed Worldwide Dealer of the Year awards.
Here is some more about Salva that you may not have known…
Salva has been designing and manufacturing professional solutions for bakers and patisiers since 1943. Their goal has been to always bring quality, reliability and robustness which is why 80% of Salva’s sold in the last 20 years are still in daily operation. With their renowned quality and quest for innovation recognised, Salva is now in 87 different countries and has a huge network of ambassadors and staff to ensure the highest standards are met around the globe.
Salva Timeline:
- 1943: Salva was founded
- 1960-1970: Salva launched the first modular deck oven in Spain whilst also launching the first convection oven, named the Kwik-Co
- 1980-1990: The launch of the rotating rack oven, named the Sirocco. The first fermentation chambers for bakeries are also manufactured.
- 2000-2010: The head office moves into a 20,000 sqm facility whilst opening a subsidiary in the Middle East. Salva acquired shares in an electronics company, Dicoel.
- 2010-2015: Salva renews their entire product range after years of development whilst taking over the company, F.M Mendoza. They also launched their soft wear for product management called Salva Link
- Present: Salva is amongst the 10 largest manufacturers in Europe whilst staying true to their core as the third generation continues to grow the business.
Salva is a lot larger than most of you may realise. With 150 employees and many more partners/dealers all around the world, it’s safe to say Salva is here to stay. The most important thing however is despite the company’s growth and size, it is still family-owned, run and operated to this day, something they don’t plan on changing anytime soon.
This is why Vanrooy and Salva have such a strong relationship, both family-owned, both striving to be innovative and most importantly, both determined to ensure the perfect solution and service is achieved for our customers.