Receive up to $25,000 to replace your existing equipment with more energy-efficient models.

In an attempt to improve energy efficiency practices and technologies, and better manage energy consumption to reduce power bills, the Federal Government has opened a $19.9 million funding round for small and medium food and beverage manufacturers as part of the latest Energy Efficient Communities (EEC) program.

Companies can apply for a grant of up to $25,000 to replace existing equipment with more energy efficient models, install or replace components to help existing systems run more efficiently, carry out energy orders, and improve energy monitoring and management; thereby helping them to lower their emissions and in turn, their bills.

The food and beverage manufacturing industry is the largest manufacturing sector in Australia, contributing approximately $22.4 billion to the economy. As such, the Australian Government is supporting this vital sector of the economy through its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The main focus areas include energy audits and management, process/machine automation and controls, heating ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, power supply, process cooling, heating or drying, water management and more.

Tim Wilson, Assistant Minister to the Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction, said the program targets food and beverage manufacturers, which include some of the most energy intensive small and medium businesses in Australia.

“It’s because they’re the engine room of the economy employing 1 in 4 manufacturing workers, that the Morrison Government is backing food and beverage manufacturers to be competitive through grants to lower their power costs and slash emissions as part of the solution to Australia’s carbon neutral future,” Assistant Minister Wilson said.

“Reducing needless energy consumption also cuts emissions and is at the heart of the Morrison Government’s focus on technology, not taxes, because it boosts competitiveness, creates new jobs and reduces Australia’s environmental footprint.”

Applications close on the 18th of February, 2022, or earlier if funding is exhausted prior, so if you’re looking to maximise on this opportunity, make sure you get in quick! We are happy to assist with any questions you might have in relation to the grant and can specify the correct equipment to meet the requirements.

If you would like to have a chat, don’t hesitate to contact us.

More information, grant guidelines and application forms are available here.

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