Repay your invoices in 4 simple installments with Vanrooy Machinery and BizPay!
We are very pleased to let you know that we have recently partnered with BizPay, a technology platform that solves cash flow issues associated with paying invoices.
The partnership comes after much investigation into how we can provide you, our customers, with easy payment solutions. Now, using BizPay, your payments can be made over-time in 4 simple instalments, and your cash-flow can be alleviated.
The BizPay founding team and its esteemed advisory board are made up of experienced individuals who are passionate about enabling companies to grow. They utilise state-of-the-art technology that simplifies the entire business payment process.
So, let’s break it down for you:
Repay over 4 fortnights, or extend to 4 months:
We understand that sometimes things don’t go exactly to plan. That’s why BizPay allows you to switch your payment schedule from 4 fortnights to 4 months; giving you more time and continued cash-flow relief.
Sign up in minutes, start paying the next day:
Get started with just a few business details and BizPay will have you approved within 24 hours.
Smooth out your cash flow:
Forget about peaks and troughs. Remain steady with flexible repayment options to and keep more cash on hand for when you need it most.
If you’d like to learn more about BizPay, click here or feel free to simply get in touch with Vanrooy and a member of our team will gladly assist.